CN. Th5 19th, 2024

Sergey reached out to Love Furry Friends Rescue for assistance with a small dog named Busya who was chained up and guarding a property.

The dilapidated house was encircled by piles of rubbish. Sergey implored the proprietor to bring back Busya, however, he was absent, and requested if the rescuers could arrive the following day. The rescuers agreed.

Upon the arrival of the rescuers, the owner of the dog revealed that the mother had just given birth to four puppies but unfortunately, all the females were drowned while only the male was kept alive. This act is truly unacceptable and immoral. One of the rescuers knelt down to say hello to Busya, which brought her some comfort.

As soon as the woman held her little pup on her lap, tears started rolling down her cheeks. She was anxious about the possibility of any harm coming to her beloved pet. Her puppy meant everything to her, just like her last born child, and she would do anything to protect him, even if it meant sacrificing her own life.

After much persuasion, Busya finally agreed and the rescuer took both dogs to the car. The next step was to take them to the vet for a thorough check-up. Busya and her adorable pup, Buddy, were such lovely dogs! To know more about their heartwarming story and to find out how you can adopt other dogs who are still in need of a loving home, watch the video below.

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